Hello readers, today we are bringing you a topic about how to download payslips, leave management, and IFHRMS Login. Many people do ask for the information about IFHRMS portal. This would help one to understand the step-by-step guide to downloading the IFHRMS pay slip. And for which, one has to visit karuvoolam.tn.gov.in. Before knowing about the details of the website, let us know about the full of “IFHRMS” which is – Integrated Financial & Human Resource Management System. This website is used by the government of Tamil Nadu for its financial data management.
If you do not know, Tamil Nadu State Government does operate the IFHRMS portal. The tool acts as a key to in financial management of the government. This does provide all-essential information to the employees. So stick with us and read the full article to get know about a clear idea about the IFHRMS Pay Slip download. We are covering it all for from FHRMS Portal, login process, pay slip download, and more, so you can get a clear idea about the usage of https://www.karuvoolam.tn.gov.in/.

IFHRMS Login – An Overview
- The website portal name is IFHRMS Karuvoolam.
- It has been run by Tamil Nadu state.
- The website authority is in the hands of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
- It does cover Finance Department, Treasury, and Accounts department.
- One can use it for pay slip downloads, Loans, Health services, and much more.
- The service has been created for the professionals of the Tamil Nadu Government.
- https://www.karuvoolam.tn.gov.in/web/tnta/home is the official website.
- The helpline number of the website is 048440172172 (India).
What does it mean by IFHRMS Portal?
Integrated Financial & Human Resource Management System, better known as IFHRMS, is a website that comes under the power of the Tamil Nadu government. The website has been made by them to ensure that those who are working for them can get their financial queries fulfilled from just one portal. The Financial Department and Treasury and Accounts of Tamil Nadu do operate this website.
Salary slips and payment details are two crucial things employees look for and this website does enable Tamil Nadu Gov. employees to take care of two things and others. Like those who are Pensioners, even they can see their status. The best is that every person who is working for the government can be seen from the power of this website from the click of a button.
IFHRMS – Login process
- Stick with us and follow the steps to complete the IFHRMS login information.
- First of all, go to the official website of IFHRMS; Integrated Financial and Human Resources Management System.
- After opening the home page, it’s time to click on the login option. It is situated in the top left corner.
- Then you can see two options Employee or Pensioners.
- Then it is time to enter your User ID and password.
- After this, click on the sign-in button.
- This is it, now you have logged in successfully.

IFHRMS Login Process for Pensioners
- Integrated Financial and Human Resources Management System website should be open this is the first condition.
- The top left corner will show the log-in button.
- It is time to click on it and open the login page.
- Now click on the pensioner option.
- It is time to add PPO Number and Password.
- Now click on the sign-in button and this is it you have successfully logged in.
How to download IFHRMS pay slip in 2023?
It is crucial to follow the coming steps for downloading IFHRMS Pay Slip.
- From your smartphone or desktop, open the official website of IFHRMS – which is https://www.karuvoolam.tn.gov.in./
- After the website home page is visible, go to the sign-in portal and enter the ID and password.
- Now click on the Open button and after that go to “Finance Option”.
- The financial section will open the Payroll option.
- After that do select “Results Option“.
- IFHRMS login menu will now come up with the Payroll Result page.
- Now it is time to select the period of the payroll.
- It will show the “Bill Type” section. Here a person to pick Salary Pay Slip under the “Regular” tab.
- Now go ahead by clicking on Pay Bill Group.
- In order to access the Pay Slip, click on the Documents link under the pay slip tab.
- IFHRMS Pay Slip can now be downloaded in PDF form.
In 2013, IFHRMS Pay Slip from Karuvoolam IFHRMS Portal will be possible in this way. However, if you still are facing the problem, do let us know in the comment section or content the customer care of the website.
IFHRMS Payslip Info
The Payslip will include the following information.
- Employee Name
- Employee Post
- Number of Employees
- Employee Official Name
- CPS number
- GPF Number
- Duty Pay
- GA
- Salary Gross
- Net Pay
- Medical Allowance
- Gross Salary
What kind of service can I get on the IFHRMS website?
- The website used by the Tamil Nadu Government to manage financial transactions.
- It does help Tamil Nadu Government to manage employees and everything under the banner of IFHRMS.
- It does have all the info about salary, PF, and more financial-related things.
- From increments to new employees’ salaries to pensions, it has everything.
- The website does allow a person to download the pay slip from the comfort of their home.
- It does help the government to do the paperless process of salary slips related to the government.
- Even if the employees do transfer from one place to another, it does have that info available.
- The website would the annual leaves taken by an employee.
So it is fair to say that IFHRMS does help the Tamil Nadu government and employees to ease down the financial tools for various reasons.
Tamilnadu holds the second highest expenditure for pensions and salaries that are given to employees. Under administrative control, the department of Finance department of Tamilnadu is the account and treasury department. Government Data Center, Small Savings department, Local Fund Audit department, and more. IFHRMS Login is a portal that could be beneficial for Tamilnadu’s employees. Every employee of the Tamilnadu government has given a brief about this portal. Basically, this is a portal that provides all information about the working activities of employees. Employees can download their payslips, leave balances, leave types, and applying leaves. It focused on e-governance and integrated financial and human resource management.
IFHRMS is a website that allows the government employees of Tamil Nadu to manage pay slips and everything related to financial data.
Integrated Finance and Human Resource Management System is the full form of IFHRMS.
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